Saturday, July 14, 2012

Surviving Calgary Stampede

Now that the 100th Calgary Stampede is over (for me in any event) I can focus on getting back to my writing.  It has been a week of hot and humid weather, hellish C-train rides that were made worse by over crowding (and while I heroically bit my tongue my mind was seething with rage when individuals got on with their screaming babies and baby carriages between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Seriously, could they not leave either at 3 or after 6 and so leave the train for working stiffs?) but I survived without getting into a scrap with anyone. 
       A couple of weeks ago as my mother and I were taking a drive into Calgary we got into a “discussion” regarding the rights and wrongs of seniors getting on the bus during rush hour.  I was of the opinion that they have no business getting on the bus during rush hour while my mother thought they had the right to get on the bus whenever they want.  We argued for about 30 minutes at the end of which my mother caved in when she finally realized that we are obliged to stand up for a senior once they are on the bus.  Then I graciously conceded that of course they have a “right” to get on the bus whenever but it is really rude and disrespectful to the working people to get on at quitting time.  We are tired and only too grateful to sit down if possible.  Having to surrender up a seat to seniors is unfair.  I know these days it doesn’t happen very often.  I’ve seen men studiously look out the window, at their nails, navel, shoes, what have you.  Anywhere but at a senior or pregnant woman.  I’ve seen men almost knock down a person to get to a seat first.
       So when I re-think my question of the other day “would Canadians really be rude and crazed and desperate to the point of knocking people down and stealing food in a crisis situation” I have to ask myself why did I ever doubt it?  I think the truth is simply that it is too horrible to believe that in real life our neighbours, friends, colleagues, strangers, would be ruthless in their efforts to survive.  It is really quite creepy to think about and yet these are the types of movies I really like to watch.
       So what kind of survivor are you?

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