Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Best Laid Plans

The other day I happened to hear that another one of my classmates had passed away.  Oh how very hard it is to get up to an age where one starts to read the Obituaries with shaking heart.  Only a very few years ago my mother and her sister said they were feeling that they had got all the way up the ladder (as in the last of their generation) and dreaded the thought of it being their turn to die.  It was said with that gallows humour we all can experience but my gosh, it only seems to me that was yesterday.  Now it seems to me that it is our generation’s turn to start looking over the shoulder for the grim reaper.

Who am I to advise anyone on how to treasure each day?  It’s so easy to hurry through each day and look forward to the weekend, the evening even, the next holiday and so on but oh, how rarely do we savour the moments when we have a good laugh, when we’ve received a nice comment from a friend or simply appreciated the beauty in nature or in our city?  Yes, another way of saying “stop and smell the roses”.  We hear these wise words over and over again but oh how rarely do we genuinely absorb the content and truly live each day with utmost quality!

I just want to take some time today to send out an appreciation to my classmate who sends out a joke every day and makes me laugh.  I want to say thank you to my mother who makes me feel loved and appreciated every single day of my life.  I want to say thank you to my brothers who call or visit my mother every day to ensure that she is okay while I am away.  I want to bless my sisters who send love and well wishes to both Mom and I every day.  Thank you to my girl friends who are always available when I need an ear to listen to me and have a ready shoulder if I need to cry.  My friend down in Oz these few weeks who always cheers me up and kids me when I need it.  My cousins over the ocean who stay in touch and send me notes and jokes whenever it seems like I need that little up.  You all know who you are, thank you.

To the world in general, spread that quality of goodness far and wide.  There’s more of that than the other and we should never feel discouraged.


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