Sunday, January 26, 2014

Laughing Medicine

Yesterday’s thoughts missed something important, in fact vital.  Being able to laugh is critical to positive moods, great energy and utter relaxation.  Best of all, if you can laugh at yourself you are well on your way to happiness. 
I don’t know much about other people’s family dynamics when it comes to humour but I fully appreciate my family’s ability to laugh at ourselves and to continue jokes for decades.  When my youngest brother was still a teenager he had a part time job at Safeway as a stock boy.  One evening he was filling the cookie shelves and spotted the fig newton cookies.  Now this was a cookie that my father liked but as my mother did not care for them she would seldom by them.  When Erik saw them, as he related the story to us, he said “fig nut” as his lightbulb moment.  Naturally he bought the cookies but for the rest of the family, his expression of “fig nut” has become our lightbulb moment quote.  Yeah, I know, you had to be there!
You see what I mean?  I can laugh at myself even as I visualize folks reading this and thinking “now what’s so funny about that?”  Humour is in the psyche of the believer.  (right, I just made that up too).  In our family we only have to look at each other upon uttering a certain word and we can start giggling.  Some words bring out loud guffaws.  Film quotes can create whole dialogues that end in laughs.
We are also very forgiving when we poke fun at each other because we can laugh at ourselves.  I am not sure how one develops a sense of humour but I am pretty sure that it can be done.  Our brains are amazing machines as long as we give them the exercise that they need.  So go on, get a laugh on!

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