Friday, September 30, 2011


Our education system is designed for the few not for the average student. We have the geniuses on one side and the below average on the other side getting most of the attention. The unfortunate average students get the short end of the stick because of the needs of the few. Who is responsible for that? Not the teachers, who are simply forced to work in a system mandated by the school board. I cannot comment on the motivation of the school boards today.

This is what I want to say though. Parents and the students need to take responsibility for their education. There are a lot of tools online that can assist in this and teachers are capable and willing to help students advance themselves further outside the regular classroom. But if the teacher suggests a reading list, parents, for heavens sake don’t get your pants in a twist because “Of Mice and Men” is on the list and your religion tells you that is a dangerous book. Don’t alienate the teacher by coming into the classroom and causing a riot because your child has suddenly become tainted by Lennie and Ralph. The teacher doesn’t know that you are some nutbar religious freak, they are simply recommending books that are deemed educational by those in the know. Go home with the list and start reading yourself. If you don’t want them to read certain books, so be it. But don’t go attack the teacher who made some recommendations.

I am sick and tired of a few violent, vocal hoodlums making it difficult for the silent majority who are NORMAL. Reviewing articles on the Tea Party and listening to media coverage I have some serious concerns about yet another marginal group affecting the lot of millions. Are there really people in the 21st century who believe in Adam & Eve? They still think the sun revolves around the earth? I suppose space is a hoax but how do you then explain advances in technology?

Why is this the topic du jour? My niece is in Australia with the dilemma of receving a job offer there when she really wants to be back in Canada practicing medicine here. So why did this happen? Because there are only a certain amount of seats available in medical school in Canada despite the doctor shortage. So at double the cost students are forced to take the dream education in foreign countries while Canada brings in foreign students themselves to the medical faculty. Explain this to me to be other than money grabbing. Our ridiculous obsession with money is costing us in untold ways other than money. Is there no one out there who can do simple arithmetic? Was no one paying attention to the bailouts in 2008; the same morons who asked for billions in bailouts gave themselves ridiculous bonuses, wracked up billions in profits and DONT WANT TO PAY TAXES. Are you f***ing kidding me. And the general population is on board with that? Again, are you f***ing kidding me. Who the f**k gives a s**t about the deficit?

Don’t get me started . . . . I want my niece to come home and practice medicine in her country. It would be nice to have a doctor who could understand when I say what’s ailing me and not ask me to repeat the same thing four times. And not ask me three times why I haven’t had sex in umpteen years.

And yes, this has happened to me!

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