Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Habit Forming

We’ve all heard that doing something for 3 weeks (or seven) will groove some things into a habit but have you noticed that all the evil things only takes one try (like crystal meth).  I have tried to make exercise a habit but it is  darned hard one to break in.  But my brother Erik tells me that it can be just like a drug once you get into the way of doing it well.  It must be something that takes years of practice at and I still haven’t got to that point. 
       When I read how other people have got into doing something (in the way of exercise) I think that it sounds too easy and I wonder if they are really just pulling our legs.  They probably got liposuction and stomach stapling and heavens’ only knows what all to get into shape.  Yes, that’s the discouraged soldier talking.  I did manage to climb on the treadmill yesterday but all I could do was walk since I am still suffering with my back, shoulders, spine, and other parts of my body that shall remain unnamed.  The good news was that once I was done the 30 minute walk I actually felt a lot better.  It’s still feeling pretty good this morning so when the Dreaded Trainer comes tonight I won’t be able to whine “I’m hurt”.
       Actually Erik has a passion for running and he is trying to encourage me into taking more interest in all aspects of running.  He called me up on Sunday to tell me that the Sportscheck in Chinook Centre had a sale on shoes.  He was being very optimistic in thinking that I would drive to Chinook at any time, never mind late on Easter Sunday!  I told him that I’d let my running shoes wear out before I spend $150 on a pair of “sale” shoes.  Then he mentioned a book he had lent me some years ago which he wants me to dig out of my basement and start reading as it will encourage me to get to “the next level”.  I’m at a level?  Well, I guess that is encouraging as I can only go up from here.
       Seriously though, having someone to encourage and motivate one to get up off the couch is so important.  What you don’t need is the devil’s advocate that pats you on the back and allows you to eat 6 more cookies and another cup of coffee.  And a little bit of guilt can go a long way in pushing a person out of the sofa.  Knowing the Dreaded Trainer was coming tonight I knew I had to get in the Monday night work out so I wouldn’t hurt myself tonight.  There are ways, and there are ways.
       Major goal over the 6 months is to learn to love running.

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