Sunday, April 29, 2012

April Showers, May Flowers

It seems that Mother Nature has done an extreme flipflop in weather patterns, for a change Southern Alberta is experiencing mild spring weather that includes a warmish rain while Ontario has snow.  Mom and I are cautiously optimistic that we can get it an early garden this year which will include vegetables and potatoes.  As long as we can get rid of all the weeds we should have a great showing.
      I love the Agatha Christie and Georgette Heyer books where seemingly ordinary middle class people have their gardener, cook and maid.  Ah for the good old days where regular folks could afford to pay a gardener.  Nowadays you get a landscape artist that costs a small fortune and they don’t even do the work!
      I’m looking outside my office window and see the lawn is nearly all green now but the buds are barely showing yet on the trees.  Today the foothills are slightly misty and the mountains are hidden in the clouds.  It’s going to take a while for the sun to burn through but it hasn’t stopped the critters from begging to go out for their frolic.  I might see them again at sundown.  Remember the good old days when mothers would say that about their children?  Isn’t it sad that today we live in fear of allowing our children out of our sight?
      Today I am taking my mother for a frolic of sorts. It’s off for our bi-monthly grocery shopping and then we are invited to tea out in the countryside.  She was delighted to be invited along.  I can see that I have the makings of a social butterfly on my hands.  I’m contemplating allowing her to get her license and buy her a car but as she has directional dyslexia I am a little nervous that she may end up in Montana before she realizes she’s made the wrong turn. 
      Just took another peek out the window, tulips blooming.  Ah, it’s spring at last.

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