Saturday, April 7, 2012

Random Thoughts

I got a great surprise from my accountant earlier this week; I am getting a refund.  And here I was, thinking I would have to pay.  Don’t you love those kind of surprises?
 April is the month where you start looking at Spring Cleaning projects and finally have the energy to tackle them.  I was bustling around yesterday both in the house and the yard but you wouldn’t know it by looking around the house and yard.  There’s still a lot of work ahead of me.  My little sister had us all out for dinner yesterday and I mumbled something about the pain in my shoulder at which point she turned around and asked “Are you telling me you have Shopping Shoulder Syndrome?”  Ah, yes?
       It’s true, I was carrying super heavy shopping bags around the streets of New York City and I have damaged my shoulder.  Let me just tell you something, if you are dying or having a baby you cannot get a taxi at 4:00 on a Friday afternoon in NYC because they are waiting at the subway for their shift change.  I am not kidding you.  I cannot count the amount of cabs that turned us down; two desperate Canadian women loaded down with bags.  Seriously, you are not hungry enough to take a fare?  Apparently in Calgary at least the cabs are not allowed to decline a fare and I say, thank God for that law!  It’s your job for heaven’s sake, why would you say no?
       So I am currently the walking wounded (I was going to write more specifically but I thought in case of accidents I wouldn’t incriminate myself), again, should I censor myself or should I note “this is tongue in cheek”?  Let’s live dangerously, and let it stand.
       Watching The View yesterday there was a clip of Alicia Silverstone regurgitating her food into her child’s mouth which she apparently posted on U-Tube and it has gone viral.  My question is, why would you do that?  Wouldn’t it be more sanitary to put it in a food processor and give your child nice clean food?  That is just too weird.  If you are going to play around, can’t it be private? 
       Okay, here I am blogging about random thoughts and planning to post it on the internet for all to see the inner workings of my Saturday morning brain.  Why am I doing it?  Because I can?  I don’t know why.  So I suppose I shouldn’t be critical of Alicia, except to say, don’t complain when it comes back to hit you on the head.
       However, I want it both ways.  If we have the freedom of speech (and videoing) then what we say should be allowed without the backlash of the law.  I’m not referring to hate type things (use your common sense) but I am talking about the backsliding into McCarthyism.  When we talk about our political leanings I do not believe that it should be held against a person in another venue.  I can see that happening again though because I see such a strong swing to the right that I am seriously alarmed for the world.  Does this comment make me a threat to the world in years to come?  Only to those who want to suppress free thought but for a rational person, no.
       And such are my thoughts as I drink my first cup of coffee and watch the sun spread slowly over my front lawn, melting the latest cloth of snow.

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