Sunday, April 21, 2013

Honolulu and High Fashion

Second day on vacation and while I am thoroughly enjoying the tropics here are some observations.  There is no escaping shopping when you are in an American city.  Fifth Avenue is not just located in NYC, it's in San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas, Miami & Honolulu - to name a few of the cities that I've personally witnessed the moves!
There are also some observations about people living in paradise like conditions  - they appear to be very laid back and happy. Life has a very different pace when lived in perfect surroundings.  Even though people may be living on the economic edge as they likely are when they exist by working on a marketing booth they seem to simply be happy, welcoming and very polite. They have, in general, a very customer friendly attitude which is lacking in Canada.  I write this despite having an incident at the market that was quite disturbing.  I almost made the sales person cry.  She kept asking me how much I would offer and I was adamant that $25 was it.  She kept trying to push the price higher and I said no, that's okay so finally she wrapped it up and asked for The $25 but when I have her the money she wanted tax money and I said no, that 'snot the deal, it was $25 or we can cancel the deal  But tax, tax, tax and I said no, no, no. Finally I gave her an extra dollar and she said go, go, go.  And I still think I paid too much.
Its easier to shop at Macy's.

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