Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wide Blue Yonder

Do you get concerned when you are flying on a plane that is less than a jumbo jet?  The first time I flew on a 20 seater was when I went to Grande Prairie to visit my best friend about 15 years ago and my heart sunk to my shoes when I saw how little it was.  Ever since Grant Notley, the NDP MLA, went down back in the early 80’s I have had  a fear of small planes.  Luckily the planes I fly on these days are thoroughly vetted by our company so they are as safe as the big planes. 
            Sometimes we get unreasonable fears stuck in our minds which are very difficult to overcome.  Are you the type of person who faces fear head on, getting back on the horse if you are thrown off, or do you have to rethink the program?  Most of the time I grit my teeth and go through with whatever it is that scares me but there are a few things that really freak me out.  I hate driving to a place that I don’t know, especially if it is dark.  The older I get the more difficulty I have with night driving so if I have never been to the place before my first reaction is “no, I can’t go.”  If I absolutely have to go, then I will try to take a trial run in the daytime so I have an idea of where I am going.  Anything to make it less painful.  That is probably my biggest fear, night driving to strange places.
            Some of the tricks I use to get over my anxiety is to tell myself that everyone else has to try it the first time, that no one is great at everything, that who is really watching.  The truth is that usually no one is watching you so whatever you do, you end up being your own worst critic.  When you are young you think the whole world revolves around you, maybe not in so many words, but you are obsessed with what everyone else is thinking about you.  No one is thinking anything because they are too busy thinking about themselves.  When I get stage fright I remind myself of these little tidbits of knowledge and it calms me right down.
            Karaoke, bring it on!  Ballet recital, go for it!

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