Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve - Part One

I have a part two but as it is only 6:30 a.m AN EVENT occurred, I must write about that as opposed to my musings. I woke up at 4:00 and the computer light from the office was not disturbing me so I thought the power was off. Sure enough. Bumped into everything imaginable on my way to the living room but I made it in one piece. Lights were on in town. Joy. Now I stumbled to the back hall to check out the bĂȘte noir’s house – no lights there. Time to do my duty. I called the electric company. Wouldn't you know it I called the wrong company but fortunately they had the correct number on their message. Called Fortis and got a human almost instantly. First miracle of Christmas Eve!

The lovely lady said I was the first caller and she would put the call in. She thought I should have power within 2 hours. One hour and 55 minutes later it was back on. Miracle number 2 – fulfilling a promise. Miracle number 3 happened actually before number 2 as I was talking to Mom before the lights went on. I had to call her to make sure that they had power because it would destroy my day if I didn’t have our traditional risengroe (totally spelled wrong) and our ducks and then our rice pudding. Fortunately they had power but poor mama was ailing. She had a heat pad on her arm as it was paining her. I will be dashing (well more like lumbering) out to her to help with everything.

So after chatting with her I went out to get my first cup of coffee for the day and I noticed lights flashing on the street outside my house. The electric men were still out there. I thought the seasonal thing to do was to invite them in for a cup of coffee which meant postponing my own coffee while I tried to make my Einstein hair flat, pulled on clothes, put last night’s dishes in the sink, washed off the counter, swept the floor and then tried to be cheerful and not exhausted as I tripped through the snow in my slippers to invite them in. Miracle number 4 – they turned me down.

Yes Virginia there is a Santa Clause. J


  1. PS - can't say that's the most flattering profile pic of my big shnauze but I will get over it hahaha :-)

  2. You don't have a big shnauze. You are lovely. don't be critical of your looks. You are handsome Christopher.
