Sunday, December 19, 2010

Count Down - 32 More Sleeps

A month before the big flight south to warmer climes, jungles, beaches, canoe trips and sleeping in. No more bus rides (well, maybe that is being a bit optimistic), no more limping to catch the C-train, no more office gossip. And you were thinking I led a boring life!

In fact it is a bit of a wakeup call to realize that the things I am flying away from are what I experience five days a week. It isn’t that I hate my job or dislike my colleagues, in fact quite the reverse. But oh how much I hate my commute. I am in a quandary. I love my home and would really hate living in the city. I love my job and enjoy my colleagues. I remember years ago when I still lived in Calgary I used to wish I was Samantha and could just twitch my nose and get me from downtown to my home. And that was only a 45 minute bus rider (still rather long in those days when the average person took less than 30 minutes). It really is a bad thing to feel that you are punching time for most of your days. A person ought to be living and enjoying every second, yes every second, of their day. Because this is your life, this is your one and only life. There are no do-overs, don’t think it.

So perhaps I shouldn’t be saying “32 more sleeps”. Perhaps I ought to be saying, “Wow, another day to see Palo, Cristy, Jane, Carolyn, Debbie, Wendy,. . .” And on the bus ride home I should not be doing that dismal self-talk “I am so tired, I cannot possibly go on the treadmill tonight” and then sit in front of the television and watch ghastly, wasteful programs. What is wrong with me? Where is the “added value”, the enrichment, the purpose?

Shame on me. Wake up and smell the tequila! What is Robaxicet for anyway?

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