Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good Mood

I was starting to feel a little blue this morning and I could see that it was going to lead to a lousy day of just feeling miserable and sorry for myself. I decided I didn’t want that kind of a day so I gave myself a little lecture.

“You have a choice, you can have a lousy day or you can pull yourself up by the bootstraps and have a joyful day.”

I proceeded to put on my red hiking boots despite the fact that they had been sitting out in the cold and stepped out into the chilly day. I proceeded down the driveway, squinting at the bright snow and before I knew it I was enjoying the hoar frost on the trees and bushes and crinkling my nose at the crisp air. I went further than I planned and was fresh and bright for the rest of my day which I spent baking chocolate chip cookies and singing along to Nellie Furtado and Serena Ryder.

This is what I want to say, I am just so grateful that I have the ability to pull myself out of the doldrums with just a tiny bit of effort and I pity from the bottom of my heart those poor souls who suffer from a depression that they do not the ability of getting themselves out of. I am very fortunate to have been born with the positive personality that sees the glass half full. And I just want to remind any folks who might happen on this, give yourself a chance to make your day a good day instead of feeling blue and sorry for yourself. It feels so much better to have that smile on your face and that little lift in your step. Not to mention the lightness of your heart.

My cup runneth over.

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