Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ecuador Preparations - Step One

It is now countdown for my trip to Ecuador, in 4 weeks I will be flying first to Abbotsford, then driving to Seattle from whence we fly to Dallas, then Miami and finally to Quito. Fifteen hours with 3 (yes, we have grown by one already) adventurous ladies on the shady side of 50. In preparation for this extraordinary journey I spent an afternoon getting vaccinated. The hour with the nurse reviewing every disease known to the western world and which is apparently to be found in Ecuador had me having second thoughts about my plans. Furthermore, I was able to reassure my mother that it wasn’t going to be a revolution or riot that would be the end of me but instead it would be that deadliest menace of all, the MOSQUITO. Who knew?

After being given typhoid and hepatitis shots I was advised to get the yellow fever shot, only to be had in Calgary. As well, I should consult my doctor on which malaria tablet I should take, all of which has some ghastly side effects, including kidney failure and nightmares. Since I already have nightmares I don’t suppose I will notice that particular side effect. And lastly, the good old dose of anti-diarrhea medicine. Oh yes, and the nurse said I should take some iodine with me to wash my fruits and vegetables. My, isn’t that going to be tasty?

I have also been reading “Ecuador, the Lonely Planet” which handy little tome advises that I should bring along Deet and a length of rope. A length of rope? I wonder why? After reading this book I have decided as a precaution against wasting away from starvation I will pack away Quaker Instant Oatmeal and granola bars in suitcase and backpack. The reason they will also go in the backpack is because, after reading my itinerary, I note that there is “food for purchase” on the plane. I do not think I am prepared to pay United Airlines for the privilege of serving me up disgusting sub-sandwiches. Thank you, NO. I am not a particularly fussy eater but I draw the line at eating rubbery or soggy anything. I once chewed on some calamari and trust me, it is like chewing on a rubber band.

But with these preparations well in hand I feel confident I can face the jungles of Ecuador.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited and also concerned about your month long vaca.
