Thursday, December 16, 2010


There is something in our family that may be a bit of a social defect because if there is one thing I don’t do it is lineups. My father used to say that he would faint in a lineup and I have the same sort of feeling. Well, to be honest, I more or less work myself up into a state of impotent rage. The older I get the less tolerant I am of wait times. I have been known to abandon my cart in the grocery store when I have to wait more than 5 minutes in the lineup. I will count how many people are in front of me and if the first person takes more than 2 minutes then I know I am doomed and it is better to get out before the palpitations start.

Now all of this is more or less on my home turf. When I have to go out to a professional I try to contain myself somewhat better but it’s like a mad dog on a leash, it still doesn’t take much to get me going. The older I get the worse it has become. Today I actually had to tell my boss that it was important that we cut my review short so I could attend at the vaccination clinic in order for me to get my yellow fever shot for my trip. Thankfully he was fine with that. I pulled on my boots without adding my socks so I sloshed the 4 blocks to get their punctually at 11:30 to register. That was done and I was the first (and only) person to be seated in the travel clinic section. Shortly afterwards another person arrived. 15 minutes past my appointed time a nurse comes out and chats to her victim for a further 5 minutes and then she pulls a pink folder and calls

“Carrie Anne”

That was not me. I was there first but I was not called. Palpitations are starting but I coach myself to be calm. Don’t walk out; you need this yellow fever vaccination. Three more minutes pass by and thankfully I am called in.

It would appear that everything is fine. Then the nurse starts on the side effects of the shot. It is a “live” vaccine. Side effects include fever, headache and nausea. These will not manifest until 10 days later. Lovely, just in time for Christmas. Then she gives me the good news. It only happens with the first vaccine. I was vaccinated for yellow fever many years ago – when I was going to that dangerous, disease ridden country called . . . Denmark.

There is a God.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious, Now I understand. You have a "condition", There's a cure for that. Drink! LOL
