Sunday, March 18, 2012

Celebrating Freedom

This morning I am going to a Retirement Brunch to celebrate a friend’s release from the work-a-day world.  My friend did the progressive phasing out program, first by working a four day week for about 10 years and then over the last 12 months or so she went to 3 days a week, then 2 and then zero.  I suspect the last year whizzed past her like a tornado.  In this case, lovely.
        As my readers know, retirement is a constant theme in my blog (and in my mind obviously).  It’s not that I dislike working, on the contrary I quite enjoy my job, but I really, really hate my commute and how my work takes me away from my home and the other hobbies that I love.  I have spent a lot of time these last 4 years trying to figure out a way where I would end up reaping as much out of my day as possible but I have yet to find a solution for the 3 month winter doldrums (that would be January through March).  However good my intentions may be I simply cannot overcome the lack of energy I have due to our dark days.  If anyone knows of a solution that doesn’t entail going to Ecuador for 5 weeks, I would like to hear about it!
        But today is about celebrating, and the first thing I have to celebrate is that we did not appear to get the rain and snow they had predicted for overnight so I am able to go to the party!  I also get to visit with 4 fabulous friends and I know my endorphin levels will be really high after lunch due to all the laughter.  I can probably come home and do housework for a couple of hours.  I will also be experiencing downtown Calgary on a Sunday which is something I don’t think I’ve ever done before.  That should be interesting.
        I think it is important to grab as many celebrations as you can through life.  I’ve noticed that many people will say yes to a function but then not show up.  First of all, it is very rude to the hostess but secondly, you really are doing yourself a disservice by not enjoying the company of others.  In my research I have discovered that it is essential to have strong social interaction as one grows older therefore the people who alienate their friends by rudeness are going to have a very short retirement lifespan.  Sad to say but it’s true; it’s rather a shocking repercussion really.
        So for everyone today, I hope you are enjoying time with family and friends and I ask you to be sure to laugh a good deal while you are with them.  Keep those endorphins coming!

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