Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I've Got Your Back

Yesterday afternoon a girlfriend reminded me that she had my back.  I thought it was darling of her to say that.  This morning I was thinking about it some more and I realize how many people do have my back, and I hope that I have theirs. 
       So I was reading my friends on Facebook while I had my coffee and toast and I recognize that all of us are happy, reaching out in a gentle way to the universe that is our people and just hoping that someone gets us.  I don’t think any of us realize exactly what we are doing, except we are trying to make a connection, allowing ourselves to express ourselves and simply being human in a very nice way.  Yes, “I am feeling the love, man” in feel all mushy and sentimental inside and yet it is very real.  Say what you will about Facebook, social media, but I am truly grateful to have this way of connecting with my friends and family, far and wide. 
       One of my friends was having a really bad day a while back and that reminded me of a book I have read a couple of times already.  The Four Agreements is a terrific little book with some obvious wisdom that we too seldom use to calm ourselves down.  It was Ellen DeGeneres who first mentioned it in an O magazine almost 10 years ago now and I am so glad that I read it and have passed it on to many of my friends.  Negative and nasty people can easily ruin a person’s day if we allow it, but if you simply pull out the little mantra “it’s their poison” and believe it, well, it cools your anger amazingly.
       So how does all this cover your back?  Because I like you, I will always fight to be fair, and if you are my friend, trust me, I will be there for you.
       We don’t really say it often enough to our friends, but I have your back!

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