Monday, March 19, 2012

Pulling yourself together

I put this title down before I glanced at a schedule I had completed during my first writing course and now I am very shocked.  I am way behind schedule but that is because I had forgotten my dates, I thought I was on time.
        What I really wanted to write about was the wisdom I picked up from my friend yesterday regarding retirement.  The first recommendation, once you make a plan to retire early, Do It.  I plan to listen to that advice because my friend was glowing and very happy.  As many other retirees may have noted, she says she doesn’t understand how she managed to work since she is busy every minute of the day.  She is maximizing her time and enjoying every minute of it.  I asked her if her energy levels had increased and she said she isn’t sure yet since it’s only been a month but we are theorizing that since she can now get out in the sunshine for longer periods of time on a daily basis that she should see an increase of energy.
        That is really what I want to write about, getting your energy levels up so you can pull yourself together.  I lay awake for perhaps a half hour before my alarm went off this morning and dreaded the idea of having to go to work while leaving my house in a mess.  Besides not getting enough exercise and sunshine I discovered that I am probably not getting enough nourishing food to bring those energy levels up where they should be.  I confess, I am mostly eating sandwiches, morning, noon and night.  I cannot seem to pull myself together enough to even peel a potato or fry up a piece of chicken.  I thought I would be getting better but instead I am getting worse.
        So enough already.  I recognize that I have a problem.  It’s called laziness.  I must pull myself together and do something correct about this syndrome I am going through.
·         Identify the source – Laziness
·         Make a plan – walk at noon, putz in the garden before dinner, make salad for dinner
·         Repeat daily
·         And yes, start eating your vitamins again.  How hard can it be?

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