Friday, March 2, 2012

Government Cutbacks

Whenever I hear about government cutbacks I go from simply shaking my head into entire rants (while driving along the highway by myself this can be scary).  The target of cutbacks are always those least able to fend for themselves.
       Yesterday the talk was about how many civil employees are going to lose their jobs with the numbers, supposedly, in the tens of thousands.  We won’t know until the budget comes down.  However, Mr. Kenney, our immigration minister is meanwhile telling us that we “desperately” need more immigration because we are lacking workers.  Hmmm.  We are going to cut a whole bunch of jobs, and then we are going to bring in immigrants.  How bright.  On the same page of the Globe and Mail there is an article about the human trafficking case where we have an IMMIGRANT crime boss from Hungary on trial for “alleged largest human trafficking rings in Canadian history.  Oh yes, his sentence is reduced to 2 years and time served; then we get to spend millions of dollars in government money while he fights deportation.  Been there, done that how many times before?
       We have how many people on unemployment or have otherwise fallen through the cracks?  We charge how much for re-educating people who have lost their jobs?  Let’s maybe do a re-think here and come up with a plan (at no cost) to educate those who are going to lose their jobs to put them in positions for all these supposed jobs that the immigrants are going to fill.  Because, let’s be clear here, it will NOT be for minimum wage jobs in Walmart that these folks are coming in to fill.  Or will it?
       What are we doing in this country?  Are we creating a third world country of minimum wage workers and Rich People to lord it over us?  I kind of think this is where we are headed.  Is this what Canadians want?  Do they feel that because things are good for them right now they shouldn’t pay attention to what is going on in our government and just keep their head in the sand and allow these things to happen. 
       Because let me tell you something – if this keeps on going, sooner or later, you and yours will be affected by this situation.  Be careful, as these tens of thousands of government workers (who have likely been friends of this government) lose their jobs and wondered “what the heck happened”?  Remember when Ralph Klein actually campaigned for the Premier’s job and said that he was going to close down the government liquor and sell off government run enterprises like AGT?  He LAUGHED afterwards, did what he said he would do and the employees wondered “what the heck” and Klein said “did they think I was joking”?  (true story).
       Mr. Harper did NOT campaign on reducing old age pensions (in any form) and here we are facing serious changes to our system.  He didn’t campaign on immigration, and here we are.  And he has a majority government now, and 4 more years to wreak havoc on many more things that will impact the poor, weak and ineffectual.  Yes, I mean you.
       Tomorrow – let’s talk about the prisons.  Oh boy, DON’T GET ME STARTED.

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