Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hot Topic #2

My number two pet peeve has got to be the drivers on the road these days. Recently they have done yet another survey confirming what we all know, that drivers are less courteous than in years past. Some of the things that annoy me are passing without signalling; passing on the inside lane; aggressive speeding where the fool behind you is on your bumper even though you are already going 10 over the speed limit. That’s not good enough for him. He has an SUV and he knows how to put the pedal to the metal. He wants to go 140. Never mind that we are on the Deerfoot during rushhour, that it is wall to wall, all three lanes are barely moving, he has the RIGHT to pass everyone else, so let’s just squeeze down the shoulder to get past everyone. Or say we are on the highway and it is relatively clear, however, I am passing a semi-trailer at 119 km then my question is

“Are you completely obsessed with yourself? Can’t you see that I am passing at a normal speed and that you are going to have to adjust to the other drivers on the road who are driving at NORMAL passing speeds?”

I don’t have to go 140 because that’s what the guy behind me is doing. I can still pass the semi-trailer at my speed and merge into the right hand lane when I am past him. So back off you stupid jerk and grab a brain!

Lately I’ve been noticing that a lot of the idiot drivers have 7 digit license plate numbers so I am thinking that these are younger drivers, part of the “me generation” but I won’t let the older drivers off the hook as once in a while I do bother to look at the drivers who are passing me. Grey haired men.

Another thing that really gets to me is the people who doggedly drive on the outside lane up the Deerfoot, or on McLeod, even as we are headed to the big merge near Okotoks. Sure as shooting, 95% of these drivers then scramble to get into the right hand lane for the merge to Okotoks. Morons. Why aren’t you in the right hand lane to begin with, leaving the ones who are going further south to take the left lane and then move over to the south lanes? Because they are SPECIAL. They are entitled to zigzag. The extra 10 seconds to stay in the right lane is too much for them to handle with their special, entitled lives.

People, be safe. Take it easy. What are the extra 10 seconds to you anyway? Those 10 seconds can cause an accident. Slow down, you will get there in one piece and your adrenaline levels will be normal. I firmly believe that speed is the cause of bad manners. Speed causes adrenaline rushes through the body which can cause aggressive behaviour. Aggressive behaviour negates good manners. The fact remains that most of the drivers on the road are decent drivers and follow the rules though often they (me included) are forced to go faster than we want to because of the aggressive behaviours of a few.

If we all drove exactly the speed posted we would be much better off. After all the signs are there for a very good reason, our safety.

Think about that today.

P.S. I’ve noticed an inordinate amount of semi-trailers on the highway this week. What gives?

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