Monday, July 4, 2011

Starting Over

The ever constant theme of weight loss returns again. Just when I am on the path of righteousness, I mean exercise, what happens? My body falls apart. Is there a message there for me? Well, yes, of course. It means that I am not supposed to stop exercising since exercise will prevent this old body of mine from falling apart. Did I know this before the latest incident, of course. But I have a million excuses or reasons for stopping and that just can’t continue.

Remember, I have a plan. I plan on living to a ripe old age and one needs their health to do that! There is no point in being old if I am decrepit too. A person would have to be living under a rock not to have some exposure to all the Right Things To Do to stay healthy. And yet how many of us do the work? Sadly it is a very small percentage.

So here I am starting over again. I have a gimp leg still and the doctor has forbidden me to get on the treadmill until I am back in shape but that doesn’t mean I can’t do my yoga, weight training or pilates. I’ve proven that I can get up in the morning and write a blog for 30 minutes so rather than sit at the stop waiting for my carpool buddy I can take 30 minutes to do my exercise.

Thumper “get me my uniform”!

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