Friday, July 29, 2011

Oatmeal and Other Breakfast Foods

I’m out of bread so I am eating oatmeal with my coffee this morning. I ought to be eating oatmeal every day anyway because it is healthier and more filling. But I can’t type with one hand as I eat it and there is apparently more chewing involved than you realize with oatmeal. I don’t mind the taste of maple and brown sugar oatmeal even though it doesn’t really seem to be sweet but this instant stuff is supposed to be laced with salt which I shouldn’t be eating. Hmmm. I’ve tried the regular stuff and it tastes like wallpaper paste. The worst was the calorie-wise oatmeal. That was like eating cardboard. I suspect it was cardboard, not real food. There’s only so much I will do for this body of mine before I say, give me some sugar. NOW.

I also like yogurt, with or without fruit and granola. Again, I need a spoon to eat it so not handy in the mornings as I blog or read my book. (by the way, my oatmeal is getting cold as I type away). There are a million excuses for not eating healthy and I can find them. My readers will be disappointed if I don’t blog. (all 6 of them).

There’s scrambled eggs which used to be a real favourite of mine. But I’ve eaten so much scrambled egg that I am not terribly fond of them anymore. I make really good eggs, with milk, a pinch of salt and the whole egg. This egg white solution, again, what’s the point? The yolk has protein. It has COLOUR. It’s also real. I used to have chickens and at first I was really shocked by the deep yellow yolks my free range hens gave me but now I miss them. My eggs were also nearly double the size of store bought eggs. In retirement I plan to raise them up again but on a small scale. No more 50 chickens running around waiting to get slaughtered by the neighbours’ wild dogs. I digress.

I like my continental breakfast at 4 a.m. It is modest and just enough for a tender stomach to digest so early in the morning. It’s civilized. Hearty breakfasts are for later, like 10’ish. Many years ago I read a very sensual book and the heroine’s mother was a very sexy lady. She would sit at the breakfast table in France and eat an orange for her breakfast. That was all she ate, and the author made a big point of this breakfast. I only recollected the story last week as I sat in my sunroom eating my toast and looking at all my leftover fruits from the BBQ. Yes, I looked at it. Today the fruits are molding and I ask myself why I do this to myself every time. I buy fruit but I don’t eat it. Why, why, why? I actually like grapes, cherries, plums and nectarines. Why don’t I eat more of them when they are there, fresh and delicious? I’m lazy even to chew? Give me a break, Sanne. You complain about people being lazy flicking their fingers to signal on the highway and yet you are too lazy to bite into a fruit and maybe have to wash your hands of the juice? Shame on me.

1 comment:

  1. I just can't get into oatmeal. All of it tastes like wallpaper paste to me.
