Friday, May 27, 2011

Adios Oprah

As all the world knows Oprah ended her 25 year run on television on May 26th with all the fanfare of a well beloved star. If she doesn’t know by now that she is loved across the United States there is something seriously wrong with her.

Oprah is one of the celebrities I admire the most because of the work she has done. She has tried to effect positive change in the world and I think she has become an excellent role model for many women. I don’t know how many books she has landed on the best seller list simply by mentioning it on her show or in her magazine. More than 10 years ago she shifted her show around to be more about enhancing lives rather than exploiting sensational stories, Let’s not forget the careers she has enhanced or developed, like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Nate, Rachel Ray, Gayle King, Suzy Ormon, Bob Greene, Does anyone remember Rosie, her personal cook who wrote a recipe book? She then disappeared off the face of the earth – I never heard what happened to her.

Did Oprah ever disappoint? There were a few disappointments for me. I didn’t like her position in the last election, it was obviously race oriented. I questioned her need for a magazine when she already was loaded with millions. Frequently her interviews have a lot of “I” in them. I wonder why she has to make a school for underprivileged girls in South Africa when there is a need in her own back yard.

So she’s not perfect which is probably a good thing. It would be too sickening if she was! Her energy level must be fantastic for her to achieve so much in 25 years. Think of all the audience gifts, not to mention her Giveaway Specials. Her face is so friendly and warm. Her last interview with Barbara Walters was particularly interesting and just made her like her more. She said that while she has met many wonderful celebrities it’s the regular people who have impressed her the most. Mattie Stepanek is also featured in her “what I know for sure” section in her latest magazine. I practically bawled when I read his letter to her. She’s so right. The ordinary people are the ones that affect us the most.

Oprah you are a true inspiration to many people around the globe. I admire and respect you more than I can say. Keep on doing what you are doing to inspire our best life and forget about the nay-sayers. It’s hard to stay humble with so much adulation (and money) but that is probably something you will have to learn along your way. As we all do. J

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