Tuesday, May 10, 2011

High School Grad

Right from the beginning of grade 12 we started talking about The Grad. No girl would dare go to the grad without an escort and none of my friends had a boyfriend so this was a deep concern. Along comes Yvette the mature student who happened to be in my biology class and has joined our lunch group. Yvette didn’t aspire to going to the Grad but when we kept talking about it she decided she would solve our problem for us. She had just started dating Lucien who lived in St. Anne and he had a lot of good looking friends, she said. By now there was quite a group of us girls at the lunch table. Besides Silvia and Ranee there was Marj , Barb , and Dawn . However Yvette was sure she could get dates for all of us!

It took months but around Easter time Silvia and I went on our first blind date and when it came to me it was literally blind. I was so near sighted that I couldn’t see across the hall to say hello to my own friends because I didn’t recognize them but being extremely vain I only wore my glasses when I had to see the blackboard. The point is important because our blind date was at a bowling alley and since I wasn’t going to wear my glasses I couldn’t possibly bowl because I wouldn’t be able to see down to the end of the bowling lane! So I was able to just sit and talk and get to know George very well. I ended up going steady with George for about half a year and yes, he did take me to Grad. Marj and Barb also ended up with two guys from St. Anne. Silvia and Ranee went with WPC guys whose names escape me for the moment. One was named Kim but I don’t see him anywhere in the yearbook which has me wondering if I have the name right.

A week before Grad Bernard asked me to go with him and I had to turn him down. Bernard and I used to walk home together since we lived on the same street. Why it took him a year to get up the courage to ask me I don’t know but he looked crushed when I said I was going steady. I felt terrible for him. And maybe that’s why the guys don’t ask, they don’t want to get hurt. So lots of pretty girls stay home instead of going to Grad. If only the guys realized the girls are just as miserable and nervous! But that’s part of the “joy of high school”, feeling the pain!

Speaking of pain – my poor Thumper appears to have got himself stuck between the walls of my garage. Not down at the bottom, that would be too easy. No he is stuck up by the ceiling and there is a hanging light for the work table obstructing my reach to get him. I’m going to have to get Erik to pull down the wall to release the fat baby. Oh, the joys of being a kitty mom. He is so grounded.

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