Thursday, May 5, 2011

Morning Bliss

Irony is when you plan to write something wonderful but the feeling isn’t there. As in Morning Bliss something that I generally have in the mornings but not today. I woke up earlier than usual and was happy to have Cherie playing with my nose but then it flashed through my mind how disappointed I am in myself because I have gained weight rather than lost it and my reunion is one week away. Depression! Anger at myself. There should be no excuses but I can find a thousand!

Alright, let me just shake myself all over just like a wet dog and start again.

Morning bliss is that feeling of effervescence that bubbles and bounces around inside when you look on playful puppies and robins hopping along on the lawn. It’s being content with yourself and your life. It’s a good cup of coffee (I’ve just finished mine and I feel like my usual morning self, that was the problem!) and some moments of self reflection! Morning bliss has serenity written all over it and yet you are also grinning ear to ear at the inside joke on the world. Morning bliss is a state of perfection simply because you are happy with yourself and the world around you. I feel blessed that this is frequently my state of mind not only when I wake up in the mornings but through a good portion of morning, particularly on the weekends when I get to putz around the house and go from my walks either in my yard or down to the golf course.

I sound like those cutsey notecards “Happiness is a warm kitten” and I know lots of people want to throw up at the sight. It’s like Roz in Grease making fun of Sandra Dee. I know, I get it. But last night as we were driving home my buddy and I were saying how much we enjoy going to sleep at night knowing that we haven’t hurt anyone’s feelings that day. Neal is a warm hearted guy with a love of humanity that is unusual in such a young fellow. The world can be a very tough place and there are plenty of insensitive people out there who don’t even realize when they’ve hurt someone’s feelings. My dad used to say that we have (translated from the Danish) “fine feelings” which means that we are sensitive to words and actions. Not just sensitive in getting hurt by meanness but sensitive in sensing that there might be a hidden meaning in a word or gesture. The upside of that sensitivity is that in our tranquil morning moments we are in tune with the positive energy in the universe.

That’s morning bliss.

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