Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wine, Coffee and Conversation

It doesn’t really matter whether coffee or wine is served, when a group of women get together the talk simply flows. There is never really a pattern to the conversation though it usually starts with normal chit chat like “how have you been” and “isn’t the weather something” but then the talk can flow in any direction. Either directly to the book we meet to discuss or into serious discussion on the events of the day or deeper discussion into our personal lives, depending on what is momentous that day. Seldom do we feel any negative waves coming out of the talk but frequently I feel a very genuine affection streaming from these women.

We talked a bit about coffee yesterday and I never realized how many different kinds of coffee are out there. Not only are there a variety of coffee beans but there are so many flavoured coffees that my mind boggled. I went for the traditional Colombian. Coffee tastes better in a nice cup or mug, haven’t you noticed that? Coffee is a really social drink as we can certainly see by all the Starbucks, Second Cups, Urban Beans and Tim Horton’s popping up in neighbourhoods.

Wine is also a social drink though it can frequently take a different turn. But a glass of wine on a sunny deck is charming and creates a very distinct type of ambience and a certain mood in the conversation. One glass of wine can last me most of the evening but I feel that I enjoy myself as much as those who can take a bit more than me. It’s not the wine that stimulates the conversation, it’s the company.

But sunshine sure does help.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - vino chat is the best. I'm a tea dude myself though (coffee is icky).
