Tuesday, May 17, 2011

High School Reunion - the Aftermath

First a word about airports – cheap. The only airport that has free internet is Seatlle. Dallas, Miami, Calgary and Winnipeg want to charge you for WiFi and my question “what’s up with that” since we pay an arm and a leg already for our tickets!

And that explains why there were no posts over the weekend.

I arrived in Winnipeg to find it drizzling spit rain and a wind to knock your socks off. Talk about cold! Marjolaine was there to meet me with her great big umbrella but the rain stopped while we crossed the tarmac then started up as we drove to a shopping centre. All day it was intermittent but at 10 p.m. it miraculously had not only stopped but it went from 3 degrees to 9 so we were able to have a great bonfire in Oakbank. The rest of the weekend was sunny and warm.

This isn’t a journal so I won’t go on about who said what or who looked good and who didn’t. But what I found as a recurring note was how much people loved being there and asked the question ‘why isn’t such & so here?’ People were disappointed that so many others chose not to attend the reunion and as many of us said “it’s so important to stay connected” because you don’t know what will happen as time goes on. We’ve lost quite a number of classmates already to accidents, cancer and other illnesses.

I know that some people didn’t have a good experience in school but we are not only adults we are soon going to be senior citizens and it’s time to grow up, get over things and just enjoy people as they have grown and matured also. Then there are others who may not be able to afford the whole weekend but our own class had a free get together in Oakbank with a voluntary donation for the food. So many who reside in or around Winnipeg didn’t attend and let me tell you “you were missed”.

If anyone can do a little preaching it is me, and I mean that in more than one way. I am pretty good at it! LOL But here’s the thing – not only was I a very shy, quiet girl in school but I am still reserved when I am around a lot of people. I find it difficult to talk in a huge room full of people that I barely know and it is disconcerting to have to shout into someone’s ear because the music is so loud (no we aren’t quite deaf yet). Despite that, despite classmates not remembering me, despite not having much of a talk with many of them – I enjoyed myself. I enjoyed seeing them happy, I enjoyed being with those of my friends who were there, I enjoyed little chats here and there and I loved, loved, loved dancing with them!

I met up with some classmates outside the formal affairs and caught up with their lives. It seems at each reunion I develop a stronger relationship with one or more classmates that I come to treasure. I renew old friendships.

I count my blessings and let me tell you something - WPC’s Class of ’71 ROCKS.

You should be there!


  1. How come I wasn't invited to the Calgary get-together....I know I missed Winnipeg but still do like to keep in touch...right Susan??? :)
