Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Election Results

Harper now has a majority of 167 seats, the NDP got a whopping huge boost to 102 seats and is now the Official Opposition. Elizabeth May of the Green party got her first seat in parliament. The Bloc loses official party status, the Liberals were decimated though not quite as badly as the conservatives back in 1993 when the Reform party whacked them down and both Duceppe and Ignatieff have lost their own seats.

What does this mean? For the next 4 years we are going to see Stephen Harper show his true colours. You think you’ve seen the monster but that has been nothing compared to the tyrant that will explode over the next four to five years. I predict there will be more than one Conservative who will cross the floor either to the NDP or more likely as an Independent during this term of parliament. But will there be enough to cross the floor to stop Harper from bumping up personal taxes and crushing the average Canadian to the floor? No. We are going to see hard times ahead for Canadians and small business. The banks are going to be laughing all the way to the bank as will all big business.

We are in for it Canadians.

And let me just point something else out. Despite Jack Layton’s fantastic victory last night, did we see much coverage of him or his winners? It was all too obvious that the journalists (so called journalists, I should say) were completely biased against the NDP in their coverage that it is beyond shameful. It is going to be interesting to compare the coverage they get over the next four years and I can already see headlines on “ineffective opposition”. What do you expect with a majority government? What do you expect when there is no raw material in Canada? I’ll give you 100 guesses to figure that one out, and this is the first clue.

Canadians, you disappoint me. Where’s your faith in something new?

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