Friday, July 20, 2018

Attitude in Thinking

Let’s be bold and explore what I think it means to have an attitude in thinking.  As I said a few days ago, why on earth did I decide to use 31 days to explore thinking, nominating myself as some sort of an expert.  Well, I think that I have an ATTITUDE towards thinking that makes me somewhat of an expert.  Right or wrong I think a lot and often quite deep, if you will.  I will be out watering my irises and rather than thinking about my garden I will be thinking about what is happening around the world, or about the development around my town, or Napoleon vs Wellington (oh yes, boring but yes).  Not unusual?  I suppose there are plenty of people who also think this way but they aren’t writing a blog about it . . . so I win.  J 
Kidding aside when I think about attitude in thinking I think about something special, outside the norm, outside the box kind of thinking, but with an added bit of attitude.  I don’t mean being cocky or not-it-all’ish attitude.  Attitude in thinking is looking at subjects that others don’t look at except in a cursory sort of way.  It’s picking up on something that sounds really wrong and yet no one else seems to have heard the phrase.  Its hearing something that can make you laugh when others are crying, and crying when others are laughing.  Yes, it can mean being somewhat perverse but at the same time nothing can make you admit that it is wrong thinking.  (stubborn?  mayhap).
Attitude is a state of mind when you are a free spirit and enjoying whatever it is you are thinking even if it is dark.  You know you are exploring the unusual, the unnamed, the adventure of the mind that no one else is likely to have.  At least, in your own mind, no one else has been there because it’s not “out there”.  And then you ask a question like “where have all the hippies gone”?
“If you have not slept, or if you have slept, or if you have headache, or sciatica, or leprosy, or thunder-stroke, I beseech you, by all angels, to hold your peace, and not pollute the morning.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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