Sunday, July 22, 2018

Funny Thoughts

Sometimes when I wake up at night and then cannot fall asleep again I will start with the “self talk” which can get so loud that I even begin to answer back – out loud!  Reading “The Untethered Soul” I find myself laughing since I recognize myself in the first few chapters.  Granted I rarely do the self talk during the day – at least not to the extent Singer writes about but I used to go on and on and on, and as I say sometimes it still happens at night.  Now I realize that the way to quiet that “voice” is to start breathing deeply and go into meditation mode even if I am lying flat on my back.  And guess what, it works.

I reflect on my childhood memories and those of my nieces and nephews and I smile and chuckle at these historic anecdotes.  I suppose that everyone has memories of stealing cookies from the cookie jar?  Well we didn’t have a cookie jar when we were young but we knew where Mom put the store bought cookies.  She had them in the cupboard above the stove.  The fliptop metal kitchen garbage can was beside the stove.  You guessed it, we would climb up on the garbage can and flip open the cupboard door (quietly) and search for the bag of cookies, quickly take one out and then lightly jump down from the garbage can and make a beeline for the basement.  The basement you wonder?  With 5 of us kids (Char wasn’t born yet) we had to be stealthy so none of the others would know we had snitched one.  Once down in the basement we would go behind the stairs and I would shimmy up one of those poles that holds the whole upper floor up.  I had done this countless times and never breathed a word to a soul.  Imagine my shock when one memorable day another kid was up that same ‘secret’ pole!  It was John.  And he also had a cookie.  Crazy!  As we whispered together we heard another person scampering around the corner.  Screeching to a halt Jeanette looked guilty at us.  A third person about to go up the pole.  So much for thinking I had the greatest secret hiding place.

Kids – gotta love the little thieves, eh?

“Only a very exceptionally gifted mind could cope singly with all the problems which present themselves in the perfecting of a home.”  Arnold Bennett

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