Monday, July 2, 2018

Why Populism?

June was all about friends and the softer side of life but now I would like to philosophize a bit on the rougher side of what the world is experiencing.

We have had 18 months of “the new guy” in the White House (as Whoopi Goldberg names him) and those of us who live outside of the USA may count ourselves blessed that he is not our leader.  However, we are being impacted every day not just by the overwhelming media coverage but also by the decisions that are being made over the border many of which have long range and long term implications.

One that I would like to review is what is termed the populist movement.  This is something that is happening all over the world and naturally I can understand many of the reasons why countries, cultures and people want to protect what is “theirs”.  I don’t believe there is an easy answer or even one single answer as to how to overcome those feelings of xenophobia and protectionism.  One of the first steps would be to actually understand why people feel threatened by foreigners entering their country.

Things that come to mind would be the economics since the people entering the country are claiming refugee status.  Long-time taxpayers loath giving anything away to anyone (particularly the right wingers – but that’s a whole other conversation) but they are especially incensed by those asking for help who have given not one iota to the country’s economy.  Now many not only are asking for money, apartments, food and such but are asking far above (and getting) what a senior citizen receives or even a single parent who has been in the country all their lives.  Of course people will be cheesed off at this “money handout” no one more so than Europeans.  When even the Scandinavians are getting fed up you know something has to give.

Another area that really upsets people is the fact that so many refugees refuse to integrate into the country.  Not only do they refuse to integrate they also want to impose their own culture on others.  Denmark went into an uproar when Muslims wanted to ban ham sandwiches from school cafeterias.  First of all, the pork industry is huge in Denmark and Danes love their meat but secondly DO NOT TAKE THINGS AWAY FROM A DANE.  A ham sandwich is not going to kill anyone so NO, that is not going to happen.

These are two strong reasons why “populism” is growing in Europe and making inroads in America and Canada.  I don’t say they are justified.  I just recognize them as triggers of outrage for many.  I also want to add that while I use the word “many” I honestly have no idea what the percentage is.  Is it 20% who won’t integrate or is it 80%?  How many people in Canada feel the sway of populism?  What is the tipping point?

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”  George Santayana

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