Sunday, July 29, 2018

Who Are You?

Throughout July I tried to jumble up the intense thinking with lighter notes, politics with the personal but at the end of the month I hope you have been inspired to look into your inner self and try to see who you are as a whole, mature person.  I cannot tell you how much (although I certainly have attempted to do so) how very valuable I found that little workbook “Jumpstart Your Thinking” by John Maxwell.  AS I have re-read it and looked at my notes (and added to them) I discovered that while I was definitely improving my thinking abilities, understanding different levels of that thinking, and also began to see myself evolving as an individual.  Furthermore, I began to see myself in a different light.

Takeaways from the book (as well as other books I have read) is that writing down thoughts, ideas, observations and musings is truly invaluable to get into your own head space.  It also helps jumpstart you into action, however small those baby steps may be.  Let’s face it, my readers are not getting any younger and a great many of us are senior bound if not already there.  We have worked for some 40 odd years, making a living and often being sidetracked outside of our personal lives.  That is the way it is in this work-a-day world.

Now is the time to let that go as much as can (economically speaking) and seize the day – capre diem, my friends, carpe diem.  Think about all the things you loved when you were a child and a teenager and even a young man or woman.  What were those aspirations?  Are they still niggling at you?  Can you get your mojo back?  Your enthusiasm for that sketch pencil, that welder, that shovel, that curriculum.  Remember that when you turn 65 many university and college courses are now open to you FOR FREE.  You can take music lessons, art lessons, philosophy and even medical courses.  Take a look at what is out there and go make some happy memories for yourself.  Destress, decompress, create, have fun.  And think, think, think about YOURSELF.

“You are more than the sum of your parts.”  Me (Susanne Abildgaard)

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