Tuesday, July 17, 2018

My Heart Is Crying

Last week I became more incensed than usual by a news story out of the USA (what a surprise).  My brother had mentioned earlier in the day that Stephen Colbert had done a skit relating to the story that a one year old “illegal immigrant” was in court, before a judge, being grilled about that he had done wrong.  I did not believe him.  I thought it was a joke.  To my astonishment Global National had the story on as their final segment.  I was so terribly angry I was “spitting blood”.  I am not calmed down yet over this travesty, insanity, unbelievable behaviour coming out of “the greatest country in the world”.  Anyone not living in that country knows how absolutely bonkers, idiotic, delusional these people to BELIEVE that they are even in the top 20 of “great” nations.  They are absolutely dead last on the list of evolved countries (which I count upwards of 26 to 30) and I suspect those countries just bordering on the list are ahead of the game when it comes to evolution of civilization.

Let’s talk specifics:

·         Social programs like paid maternity leave, employment insurance, social assistance are marginal at best and non-existent in most states

·         Health care – marginal at best, non-existent in many cases

·         Gun control – God forbid that these people understand what that is.  Apparently “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”.  If you understand this logic, move to the USA because normal people don’t get that logic or want to get it!  Even their most “evolved” thinkers cling to that holy of holies – The Second Amendment.  If you are the greatest country in the world why would you need a gun for self protection?  Oh that’s right because your neighbour is a Negro therefore he is a dangerous criminal who might rape you, rob your or heavens above, take out his cellphone in his backyard and become a target for a policeman to shoot him in the back. 

·         Pro Choice v Pro Life – what other country in the world would look at reversing a woman’s right to choose or take away contraceptives but provide free Viagra (via insurance)?   The same country that gave us the MeToo movement!  Hello?

·         Capital Punishment – the only country in the “western world” to have capital punishment.  The belief that capital punishment is a deterrent to crime does not hold water when you see the statistics of American crime compared with European crime rates, per capita.

·         Mass shootings – they are in a league of their own on this one

·         Racism – again, they are in a league of their own.  Their disgusting treatment of their fellow Americans (African-Americans, Puerto Ricans, etc., anyone who is not white) is so shockingly unbelievable to me that I feel it is an international disgrace and should at least be sanctioned by the world in the same way that South Africa was sanctioned back in the day.  Tell me what is different?

The list could go on for miles but these are the top rankings of uncivilized thinking “norms” in  America.  When a judge can sit on his bench and look down on a one year old child (who probably doesn’t understand a word of English) and ask him in all seriousness if he knows what he has done is wrong  I think it’s time to forget about taking the judge all the way to Guantanamo Bay for waterboarding.  Let’s do it on live TV and let the rest of the world will cheer.  (Yes I know I am talking nasty, mean, bad and wrong but as I said in the beginning I am so spitting blood mad that I can’t think straight on this one).

“As the twig is bent so is the tree inclined.”  18th century proverb

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