Thursday, July 26, 2018

My Head is about to Explode

This is a mantra Meghan McCain uses whenever she doesn’t like what is said and that would be anything that a common sense Democrat or non- Republican might say.  Today her head was about to explode because the Democrats may have a “splinter group” who may have socialist ideas to put forward.  Somehow McCain is equating anything that may possibly benefit American citizens on taxpayer dollars as socialist and OH MY GOD socialism has failed everywhere in the world (totally untrue).  She asked (and then drowned out Joy Behar as she named countries where socialism is alive and well AND NOT COSTING ITS CITIZEN 94% PERSONAL TAX RATE --- dear God in heaven my own head is about to explode from her narrow-minded, ignorant, gasbag commentary.  She is so ill informed, virulently loud mouthed and obnoxious that it is all I can do not to go on her Twitter account and lambast her).  However I am not going to sink to her level. 
I don’t tout myself as a political commentator (as she fondly calls herself – I call her Daddy’s Parrot) but I happen to know quite a lot about the success of socialism throughout Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Germany and France, to name a few countries that have a wide range of “socialist” programs and who have had socialist governments at one time or another.  I can tell you one thing, while the personal income tax rate in Scandinavia is high, there base pay is also high enough to support them to still have a middle-class lifestyle (after taxes).  If any of my readers doubt my comments I invite them to look up the various countries official websites and you can navigate through the various topics.  As well you should look up the EU website which gives an overview of what is required to be a member, or associate member.
Because I don’t want anyone’s head to explode due to misinformation.

“I am still learning.”  Michelangelo

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