Friday, November 23, 2018

Building a Better World Part 1

There are many fantastic people in the world who not only want a better world but take steps to make that happen, one child at a time or one issue at a time. In the recent O magazine there were several profiles of individuals who did just that as volunteers and as their second job. We can’t all do such big steps perhaps because we don’t have the time, the personal tools or talent to do that.
Bear with me as I muddle my way through the pondering of the past year as it relates to all the negative personal characteristics of people who ought to have behave in a very different way from the path they chose. Here are some of the questions I ask:

·         Why would people in such a high position behave with such low morals 
·         Why do voters choose poor candidates when the evidence of their values is before them
·         Why don’t parents know who their children are
·         Why do we accept low standards in our schools
In the end the answer to all of them is simply that some people do not care a rat’s ass about anyone or anything but themselves until they are affected by the bad behavior. Even then, as we see in the case of St. Michael’s College, some parents would rather close their eyes, keep their children in an “elite” school and even ignore the fact that their child is getting a broomstick shoved up his ass. These are the families who become “leaders” in society so, surprise, this is what we get, abusive misogyny. While it seems incomprehensible to us mere mortals the evidence is coming out fast and furious. It staggers the mind.
I hold to my opinion that while we ordinary folk may be flawed we are essentially good people who simply want to be happy and who want to raise happy, good children. The trouble today is that while we have these rather vague hopes we don’t have the tools, time or proper intention to make these hopes into concrete reality. The result is a couple of generations of adults who have no true moral compass, no guiding set of values or principles but instead have a sense of entitlement and selfishness that has never been experienced in everyday society before.
But I have a possible solution.

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