Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sabbaath Thoughts

It’s Sunday and so why not talk about religion on the Sabbath? 

I think about the birth of Christianity, the message of Jesus, the incredibly evangelizing of Paul and the other apostles and then juxtaposition it with the record of Christianity through the ages.  Yesterday I listened to a Reverend from South Carolina who asked how those elected to govern would swear on the Bible to serve their people but then go on to tear down the existing social safety nets while they themselves enjoyed health care among other perks free, paid for by the very taxpayers they were disenfranchising, revoking Obama care and so on; a question I have asked many times myself. I always wondered what the Popes were thinking when they started up the various Crusades, how was that following the message of Jesus who preached Love, Peace and Humbleness? A couple of days ago I flicked the channel and listened for a few minutes as some evangelicals vehemently encouraged their flock to vote Republican in order to save the country from the ravenous Left!  I was considerably surprised to hear such out and out politicking on a religious show; how naïve was I to think that “wasn’t done”?
So here’s what I am thinking about religion in general and evangelicals in particular. You get a bad rap from me, your hands are bloody and I am pretty sure that Jesus won’t recognizing the things you preach or stand for now would he in any way endorse any politician or any form of violence. I am pretty sure that Jesus would not think owning an AK15 is in line with peaceable thinking. I know he said that God sees every sparrow fall from its nest so He would not like it if people go around shooting squirrels just for the hell of it. In other words true Christians don’t shoot people or animals.
Truly spiritual people of any religious stripe know that the meaning of being one with God (or the Universe) is a peaceful relationship. Not only are you at one with God but you are at one with yourself and your fellow human beings. You have empathy for others, you know that you must keep the door open for others (literally and figuratively), you must be generous, humble, kind, grateful and forgiving. There must be love amongst you.
And it is to last for the rest of the week, not just while sitting in church of a Sunday.
God be with you.  Namaste.

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