Thursday, November 22, 2018

Hazing is just another word for Bullying

I don’t know if my readers are following the story about St. Michael’s College, the private boys’ school currently in the news due to sexual assault by students on other students but I must say that I am profoundly shocked on a few different levels.
First of all I noticed the slogan on the outside of the school “Teach me Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge” and thought “That deliverable isn’t going so well”.
Second I was shocked to hear a middle-aged alumnae say that this culture of hazing and sexual assault was around in his day. And nothing was done?
Third I am stunned that a parent was asked by someone from the media if she was going to be taking her son out of the school and she said “no”. Good Lord in Heaven, my kid would have been out of there so fast the wind couldn’t keep up!
Fourth I am astounded that the principal is still there given that he did not report other incidents until 48 hours after learning about them. At the same time I wonder “How can any adult working in that school not have been aware of what was going on? What sort of supervision is being done in that school?”
Fifth I wonder how can a religious school have such a disgusting culture? Are they being groomed for the priesthood and further pedophilia? (Sorry, that is said in irony --- I hope).
Lastly why on earth are private schools not governed under the same rules and regulations as public schools?
I have a lot of questions and a whole lot of disgust for this. The male culture of hazing and bullying is archaic and it is absurd to say it is necessary so that they can have team spirit.  Are you F’ing kidding me? We women don’t need to bully or haze each other to have common goals and work as a team. What are you talking about? It is all about male aggression and it should have been stopped decades ago.
I remember as a 14 year old Freshman in high school the first week “Freshie Week” a senior was supposed to make us do all kinds of stupid, silly things including dressing up as something or other. I had never heard of such a thing and I looked at the person who was my senior and thought ‘what an idiot’ and then went about my business the whole week oblivious to the nuttiness of those who fell into that “game”. But of course, at 7 years old I was too mature to go out for Halloween so why would I be any different at 14?
Maybe because I had a brain. It appears to be sadly lacking even in adults.

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