Friday, November 30, 2018

Juggling my Treatments for the Holidays

I can never say all the good things about the staff at the High River Hospital Cancer Clinic. They are just the most wonderful and caring staff it has been my pleasure to meet. Nancy is the receptionist is the supreme coordinator who ensures that the patients get the appointments straightened out, that they see their doctor when advisable, and she will juggle dates to accommodate other appointments. You may say “well that’s her job” but she goes above and beyond.
The nurses are also above and beyond in their kindness and caring. They know their patients’ names, their treatments, their foibles and that is so comforting. They are always ready to lend an ear, enjoy a laugh and socialize even though they are busy. They make you feel like a person rather than a patient and that goes many miles in just making you feel good to attend the clinic. I am so grateful that High River has this facility – and we don’t have to pay for parking!
It’s my disconnect day which is always quick and easy; then we stop off at the bank to drop off eggs for my customers there (again, I have the best bank!) and then I have to manipulate John into taking me for a very long spree at the Dollarama – I need a few (!!) things to keep my Christmas mood going. It’s amazing that however much Christmas stuff you have there is always something new to be added to the collection for the next year’s theme. Men just don’t get it but as he let me have a good frolic the other day I am hopeful he will not be Mr. Grump today!

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