Thursday, November 1, 2018

Freewheeling Thoughts

October was a stressful month of analyzing women’s place in the world brought on by the horrific Ford/Kavanagh hearing. I think it has been cathartic for me but wonder how useful it was for my readers to have me dwelling on such a complex and ultimately personal exploration?  However that may be I give my permission to have fun and frolic in November!
What springs first to mind as “freewheeling” is, as always, the joys of nature. I am so happy that we are experiencing some version of Indian Summer and not the horrific deadlock of winter that we seemed to get last year. My grass is still green and though the leaves have fallen off the trees it’s a pleasure to see them blowing around the ground and then being still as the wind dies down. My little Henriettas continue to make us laugh with their comical antics. Every day the game is on as one hen discovers some bug or leaf and the others decide to take it away from her. Then other one scurries away on important business and we can almost see with our naked eye the briefcase under her wing!
Christmas is rushing upon us and I have been having a lot of fun creating Christmas cards as I perfect my skills. Measuring and cutting exact is the key to a perfect card when you use straight lines so I am thinking my next set will be ovals and circles (anything for an easy life).
I have been in communication with my distant (and not so distant) cousins and I cannot tell you how rewarding it is to become acquainted with relatives who but for the joys of genealogy would be lost forever. For most people this may seem like a “given” but when you are an immigrant with only an immediate family the craving for aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents is at times almost overwhelming for a child. So yes, I reach out now with greedy heart and feel genuinely blessed that those dear cousins are like minded.
Truly, my cup runneth over.


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