Wednesday, November 21, 2018

I'm Fed Up with the B.S.

I am so fed up with the way the Conservatives are ranting about molehills and voters are buying into the insane rhetoric. This morning I snapped when I saw an ad during one of my morning games that whined about the carbon tax. I could hardly move my brain into a calm meditation mode because I was so riled up and ready to give what-for.
No one (apparently) likes to pay any kind of taxes in Canada. Yet the first time something goes wrong in one’s life you can be pretty darn grateful for health care, employment insurance, pensions or other types of benefits – all supported by taxpayers. As I have said in the past, most of these taxes come from individual, personal taxes, not from those of the big cat corporations.
But here’s something else to consider; when was the last time you wrote a letter to your MLA or MP and objected to something? I suspect NEVER. How many of you have ever missed voting in an election (I am really hoping no one has in my circle)?

Here’s my Electric Bill breakdown:
Usage:                                  $30.33
Administration Fee                $  5.46
Delivery Charges:
Distribution                           $32.59
Transmission Charge           $16.51
A1 Rider                               $ 0.26
Rate Rider                            $ 0.73 


Here’s my gas bill:
Cost of gas                                     $9.46
Administration fee                           $ 8.21
GST                                                $ 0.89
Delivery Charged – fixed                $25.64
Delivery Charge – variable              $ 5.42
Rate Riders                                     $ 3.53
CARBON LEVY                              $11.21
GST                                                 $ 2.29
TOTAL                                             $ 66.65 
I only used $9.46 worth of gas but because of all the other “administrative” charges the bill is higher and the levy taxes are exaggerated. To be honest I am not sure why that is working in such a way, it seems incorrect to me. However the main point of my argument is that when my bills started changing 30 years ago I called the two energy providers and questioned them on the extra charges; I did not get a satisfactory answer. I think the charges are outrageous and simply “hosing” consumers. And yet did we hear an outcry from politicians on those charges? Not a word, not a blessed word.

I guess it means that we are okay with companies hosing us with whatever charges they can get away with ON ESSENTIAL SERVICES LIKE HEAT AND ELECTRICITY but for a government to impose a tax on people in the cause of making them mindful of usage, taking an economy in a new direction and reinvesting in cleaner energy, etc. – for some reason that is not only civilly unacceptable but it has politicians spitting blood as part of their rhetoric.  
Is Vision too esoteric for the common voter?
Apparently it is.

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