Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Political Pundit

I would not call myself a political pundit (pundit meaning an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public) but I do follow politics closely and have done so for most of my adult life. 
Here’s how I see yesterday’s American election; while the Democrats got some major victories and took back Congress they are going to have to think long and hard about how they conduct themselves during the next two years. I don’t think it would be wise for them to call up a bunch of “investigations” nor would it be wise to alienate the Republicans by using their tactics against them. In other words I believe their wisest course would be to operate on the high that Michelle Obama spoke about during their campaigning days. At the same time the Democrats need to decide exactly what all they’re going to represent as a cohesive unit which means either going whole hog left or just left of centre (which has been the norm as this socialist sees things).
Beyond Democrat strategy what I took away from the election of yesterday was that America is truly suffering from all of this divisiveness that has been created by the man in the White House. It is horrendous to see a nation like America fall victim to the worst elements of populism which is going to be extremely difficult to turn around in the future.
I think it behooves all nations to take a very critical look at history and make some sort of analysis as to how it is that countries around the world are swinging to the extreme right for uncivilized reasons. The refugee crises around the world is in part a cause; but is it also a symptom? Why are religions having such a strong influence on politics in this era? And linked with religion, why are reproductive (aka abortion) rights being reconsidered?
I remember during my campaigning days having a discussion with some people in my caucus and I go back to a particular answer around similar questions as the above. “Look to the source of the problem, it is almost always a question of poverty.” Ahh. Despite economists and statisticians saying that the economies around the world are doing well (and that they can now go ahead and raise interest rates yet again) the true facts are that many people are unemployed and have actually fallen off the Employment Insurance rolls and may not have been able to quality for social welfare so they are completely off the radar when compiling statistics. Too often we rely on “experts” opinions or analyses when we should really making our own personal observations via our circle and community.
People listen too much to others then react without having done their own personal reflection. In other words, engage brain before acting out. 
Did I say that loud enough?

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