Monday, June 11, 2018

An Awakening

Silvia had moved to Alberta but we both worked long hours.  Except for Blaine and Silvia I had no other  friends that I saw.  Correspondence with Ninette and Marj was as lively as ever but my social life was driven mostly around my family and the business for the next few years.  I took joy in my nieces and nephews.  Work took a few different directions over the next 12 years (1988 to 2000) which kept me on my toes.

Then with my father’s sudden death on New Year’s Eve of 2000 (going into 2001) I had a true wake up call on social life.  All Mom’s children were sitting with her in her house and while we were sad we were comforting her and she looked around at us “kids” and said “I am so glad I have my children”.  The way she said it and the way she looked sent an arrow into my heart.  I realized that for Mom, her children were her life.  And I got another realization, I had no children of my own.  It came upon me that as I got older I would be alone if I didn’t take some steps to gain new friends around me.
This sounds crazy, almost “mercenary” but I went on a mission to find friends in my new life in Calgary.  I had started working downtown the year before and had met several nice ladies that I got along with very well.  Some things happened and the next thing I knew I was working in a new law firm and shortly after that I went on a course with another lady.  Marie.  We bonded that day and I found a warm hearted, lovely person who went straight to my heart.  Marie took the first steps in creating the friendship but I was really thrilled to be included in her life.  She is the first person who invited me to her home and let me social WITH HER HUSBAND.  Until I met Marie I had no married friends except for Silvia and Ninette, my BBFs.  As single girls everywhere experience, once friends marry it isn’t long before we are ousted from the friendship fold.  But Marie is generous and has no fears that she will lose her man.
Marie steered me through the politics of the law firm and introduced me to Rose in a new light (coming up next).  She and Paul introduced me to wine making and later on when they bought their retirement home in Blind Bay she kindly took the “FF Gals” for what would become an annual Girls’ Getaway every May Long Weekend.  Currently the oil industry crisis, my illness and the other girls’ lives have halted the Get Away but we make up for it in Lunches, Lunches, and Brunches and Facebook with Marie to stay in the loop.
I know this is a friendship that will love forever and this little blip in logistics is just that, a blip that will soon be overcome.
My cup runneth over!

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