Thursday, June 7, 2018


Shortly after Yvette joined the lunch group she asked if Marjolaine could join us.  Of course, we said.  Marj was never in any of my classes but once again we have been friends since we met; phone calls, letters and many visits back and forth has kept us good and genuine friends.  In our golden years we have so much in common in how we handle our retirement with lots of socialising and keeping active in various ways.
Marjolaine was super instrumental in helping me organize our first class reunion at the 25 year anniversay.  Between Marj and Pete Smalley we managed to get more than 100 attendees to the first reunion.  The reunion came about in this way.  I called Silvia and asked “have you heard anything about a high school reunion?”  The answer was no.  Little did I know that reunions in Winnipeg for high schools is extremely rare but I felt it was important to have one (me and my movie lore).  Marjolaine worked for the telephone company so she was able to track down many folks while Pete was in touch with quite a few who had moved away from Winnipeg.  Added to that Marjolaine had what I thought was a bit odd habit of checking the obituaries!  (something she did even in high school).
My classmates will know that the reunion was a huge success and we have had 5 year reunions (and even ones in between the 5 years) ever since. Several folks took over the organizing but have allowed me to be an honourary committee member while Marj is a hands on helper.
Now you have my 5 high school friendships.

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