Saturday, June 9, 2018

Another Cousin Who Became a Friend

When I was going on 17 my mother came to me one day after having received a letter from her sister-in-law Elly.  Tante Elly asked if I would be interested in writing to her daughter Birthe who was learning English in school.  Me, want to write a letter?  What’s the address and can I have a stamped.  We started an enthusiastic correspondence both so happy to meet each other and learn about what life was like on the other side of the world.

Birthe and I had many things in common, we were close in age, loved western shows and the same type of music.  On my birthday though she didn’t realize for many years that she had introduced me to a lifelong love of amber.  She sent me a gorgeous amber pendant necklace made from a stone she had found on the beach near her home.  I was enthralled not just by the beauty of the piece but also about how amber was made and that she could find it on the beach!

I have a somewhat large collection of amber now, earrings and pendants but no pins or bracelets or even bead necklaces.  Those are the pieces I seem drawn to and I wear them a lot.

When I went to Denmark at 18 Birthe and I also found another common interest; we loved to dance and those were the days of discotheques so we were always running off to some club or other.  Never anything too exotic or wild but lots of fun.  It was many years later before I realized that Birthe was actually one year younger than I as we had to be 18 to get into most clubs!

Our correspondence waned a little after this, life gets in the way with husbands and babies but whenever I travelled to Denmark we always connected again as though no time has passed.  And since my diagnosis Birthe and her 3 siblings have been amazing sending me beautiful parcels of the things they know make me happy in my Danish-ness.  Who knew how much a beloved cousin can remember about my lovely of Danish jam, Laeso salt, marzipan (well, that is a given I suppose) and Christmas elves?

It is wonderful to know that cousins can also be friends and these are connections that never break.

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