Saturday, June 23, 2018

My Hero Vreni

When NAOSC was taken over by Statoil one of our first town hall meetings allowed me to meet my eventual hero, Vreni Schmidt.  Vreni was an outgoing personality so once I was back in the home office our paths crossed often.  Eventually Vreni joined our Friday coffee sessions and I got to know her even better than when she flew by my office, stopping to give me her Avon catalogue, taking time for a quick chat and then she was off again.  Vreni taught me how to over-winter my geraniums and each spring we would discuss our success rate.  We had a mutual love of gardening and flowers.

Vreni had the energy of the Ever Ready Rabbit; she was on the go all the time.  She was in 2 dance troupes, she skied, she travelled, she worked as a manicurist and pedicurist as well as selling more Avon than one could possibly imagine.  She was always cheerful and ready for anything.  It was Vreni who organized our wonderful hiking trip in Canmore.  Shortly afterwards Vreni was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She was amazing through it all, simply unstoppable. Despite being on chemotherapy she was dancing at the Stampede events and creating awe in all her colleagues.  Already at that time I called her my hero since I had never seen such an indomitable spirit in true live action. 

She finished her treatments and almost immediately afterwards she was diagnosed with colon cancer.  The timing coincided with my retirement and since she was on long term disability we were at liberty to meet up almost every second week for brunch and a catch up.  You know you are friends when your conversation touches on everything but our former work.  This was what happened with Vreni and I.  Gardening, travel, food, fashion and life experiences were topics we covered with relish.

Once again Vreni inspired awe and admiration in all who watched her go through this horrible journey.  When I was diagnosed with the same illness she came to me and said “we are buddies now” and she volunteered to get me through it all, answering my questions and concerns in a way no doctor could ever do.   Here was someone who was going through the same thing, who had essentially pioneered the way for me.  Whenever I feel down I think about Vreni and compare myself with her.  I always feel that I come up short because I have so much admiration for her fighting spirit.  It wasn’t that Vreni talked about her fight, quite the contrary, she ignored it.  She lived her life to the full extent that was humanly possible, illness or no illness.  I don’t think Tarzan could have done a better job of living than Vreni.

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