Sunday, January 2, 2011

Communicating in 2011

An oxymoron is “a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms”. We live in an age of communication, where we have an unimaginable variety of methods of communicating. We have cell phones, we have texting, we have answering machines, we have voice mail, we have email, traditional mail, we have U-Tube, we have Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, we have blogging. And yet, what I am observing is that most people are sending out their messages but they are not listening for a response.

Hmmm. Think about that. What are you really doing when you send a message? Are you giving out your thought of the moment with the expectation of getting something back by way of an answer? Or are you talking to hear yourself talk, so to speak. (meow). A while back I heard a blurb that said the social networking scene was really designed for narcissistic people. Facebook hasn’t really been something I have done much with though I confess that while on holiday I have been checking it every couple of days. Prior to that I would go on Saturday mornings just to see what was happening in “my world” the one that I am not terribly connected with; nieces and nephews, classmates – just to make sure everyone was alive and well. But being on every day, I do notice that there isn’t much response coming back from my own notes. Why is that?

Because no one is listening. No one is interested in anyone but themselves and their own thoughts? I don’t know if that is all of it. I think people do hope that what they have to say is being listened to and comes back to them someway.

Here’s a little magic. Talk.

Way back in the day, when one caveman made the first grunt to his wife, he discovered two grunts and a wink got him a cup of coffee. Communicating is very visual, don’t you think?

Think about that next time you feel compelled to Twitter. J J

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