Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Plan B - one more sleep

The weather has thrown my plans for a loop but I am now safely ensconced in my friend’s place but it was a stressful 48 hours, let me tell you! I really hope I make it through the next 24 – 48 hours with sanity intact.

I’m now waiting for my girlfriend to call and we are going to go out to indulge in a nice supper and a real conflab.

People are so interested in talking about my trip which I find charming. At the moment I am feeling a little alarmed by using my netbook since I have yet to get a wireless connection to work for me, and I am a little frustrated with the small keypad and the fact that I really have to whack the spacebar to make any spacing. This is slowing down my creative flow. But you don’t want to hear about me always complaining.

I got a number of responses to the underwear story and the way my mother needed to change Charlotte’s undershirt despite her broken arm and the need to get her to the hospital. Lest you think that my mother is an unfeeling woman – one of my friends said that “this was how we were raised.”So it is not just my mother who did crazy things like that. But I cannot let my mother completely off the hook so I will tell you the story of my pierced ears.

Now my father was adamant that his daughters could not have pierced ears. This was agony for my sister Jeanette and I who wanted them when we were 13 and all of our friends were getting theirs done. My father however felt they were ugly and would tell us that when we were old our ear lobes would dangle down to our shoulders, and the holes would be big enough to put our fingers through them. As I’ve mentioned once or twice before, I am an extremely visual person so this picture in my mind was enough to keep me from following through on my desires. But by the time I reached 30 my sister Charlotte, who was 16 at this time, had secretly got her ears pierced. My father was livid when he discovered this and made a terrific scene that would have sunk me to the ground, but Charlotte was made of sterner stuff. She cried but that was about it. I had a talk with my dad and said that I really wanted to get my ears done since it was impossible for me to wear the clip ons, they hurt so much. To my surprise he agreed and actually went with me to the jewelry store to have it done. The reason he went with me was he had decided he would buy me some genuine pearl earrings for my birthday.

When we got home I went into my room and went on with my life. Meanwhile Dad had a cup of coffee with Mom. She hadn’t known we were getting my ears done but when she heard about it my Dad couldn’t resist pulling her leg. She asked how I handled the pain and he said that I fainted after the first one was done so we were going to have to go back and have the other one done later. She exclaimed,

“Good heavens, why didn’t they do the other one while she was out?”

That is how compassionate my mother is! Always practical. :)

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