Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday The Day of Rest - Countdown 3 more sleeps

We talked about weather yesterday – now let’s talk about weekend preparations. Have you noticed how your life has become more complicated with all the new electronic devices in our lives? I have a battery charger for my camera, ditto netbook and Kindle so I had to decide, do they go in my backpack or the suitcase? Once again, here’s me worrying about whether my suitcase will become lost and so I will lose my connection to the outside world as I have come to know it. Thank the Lord I am not planning on taking my cell phone or that would be an additional concern. (I’ve heard the horror stories of roaming charges and phone bills of $1,000+ and I don’t need to “touch someone” so badly that I cannot abandon the cell phone to silence.) The actual devices are going in the backpack. No question, medications go in the backpack. Liquids have to go in the suitcase which means no contact lenses on the trip; I wouldn’t be wearing them anyway as a 15 hour journey would have my eyes dried into raisins! Shoes, what to do about shoes?

I’ve noticed when travelling these last ten years that people are ever more casual in their dress. I am more conservative. Years ago I experienced a situation at the airport which convinced me that dressing professionally will get you better service. I know lots of people who wouldn’t agree with this but I am convinced that, had I been wearing jeans instead of a dress suit, I would still be sitting in the Toronto airport waiting to get on the next available flight”. When I sit at the airport I like to watch the other people around me and I would say at least 50% are wearing jeans (and there’s nothing wrong with jeans, but really holey, shredded jeans?), shorts, flipflops and t-shirts with obscene words. 50% are more conservative like me. I might wear dress pants or my new designer jeans with a nice shirt and blazer but I wouldn’t dream of wearing shorts or even capris. I agree with the fashionistas “shorts don’t do anything for your behind” and besides, I am always freezing in public conveyances.

Yesterday was a bit of a disaster. My fatted calf dinner was postponed until today due to the howling blizzard (well, howling and blowing snow, not much actually falling). The situation is a bit sketchy for today but I am the eternal optimist. Is that an oxymoron? Can I be an optimist as well as a worrier? Well, I must be able to be because I am staying optimist while still having secret concerns (though I suppose they aren’t so secret now).

I’m feeling a bit sad to be leaving my mother for 5 weeks. I know she is going to be anxious for me the whole time I am away. So I hope that all my friends will say a special prayer for my mother, just to keep her tranquil while I’m gone! Thank you in advance!

This painting is by Anna Just - a Danish Artist


  1. I will call her often to check up on her.

  2. I was treated like royalty at the airport the other day and I always dress very conservatively. Then again I was in executive class ta boot - puffs up chest and points nose to the sky
