Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday - short note

Day one in Ecuador. I have to say, we are perfectly safe in this lovely country. We took a 2 hr bus ride to Otavado which has the biggest open market in the world, so they say. It was lovely, very fine quality goods. People are charming, friendly, willing to hel.

Challenging with the Spanish but I am whipping out my phrase book and practicing.

This is an off the cuff blog note just so you all know I am safe and sound. My friends are anxious to go for supper so must cut this short (hence "off the cuff") Adios amigos!

P.S. SPECTACULAR ride through Andes mountains (I think they are part of the Andes), dramatic, gorgeous, lush. Truly worth seeing.


  1. Sounds WONDERFUL Sanne! I hope you can pick up some basic espanol while you're down there! :-) Post a pic of the Andes and/or the market!

  2. still workingon uploading! I did get some from the bus so will try
