Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fashionistas in the Making

Today is our long awaited day where my friends and I get a presentation on body image from Kelli Harker, the stylists that I went to NYC with. She is awesome. Kelli knows her stuff and she is kind about looking through one’s closet and rejecting clothes, not at all like the people on TV. Of course, Mother Nature has decided to toy with us by giving us a dump of snow overnight and David Spence and I are again “so over” with him promising us more snow today and tomorrow. J I’m looking out my office window and all I see is white, white and more white. How awful is that for April!

Never mind complaining, we are all valiant girls and will plow through the snow to get to our fashion appointment, like true Fashionistas as we are. I was reading all my material last night and making sure I would be a good example of Kelli’s work. LOL. (I am imitating Richard Simmons – which reminds me – wasn’t his blog a killer yesterday? He sure fooled me! Pizzeria indeed.) I went shopping with my friend yesterday and bought a lovely black winter coat which I plan to wear today. I hope I get Kelli’s approval on it.

Back to fashion, when we were shopping yesterday my head was swinging from one side to the other looking at all the new stores in Chinook Centre and I thought “aren’t we a consumer world”? There is so much glitzy stuff for us to look at that it is quite overwhelming (true, I don’t get out much) and even though I have lots of clothes, purses, shoes and other “stuff” I am attracted by the displays. Fortunately I have had a lot of practice over the years in simply window shopping because I couldn’t afford to buy so I am able to stop myself by buying the cute purses (my weakness) that I see. I saw the most adorable hat, it was just a hairband with some lace and a rose tilted on the side like a big platter and I wished we could still wear hats. But hats are not in and it doesn’t matter how much the media hype Kate and William’s wedding the fever is not at all like it was for Charles and Diana’s wedding. In fact, a survey was done and more than 50% were not at all interested in the wedding and wouldn’t be watching it. When Diana walked down the aisle we were allowed to watch at our law firm way back in 1981. Was it really 30 years ago?

One show lately had an article that declared that Diana “IS still the ultimate fashion icon” and I think all of us must agree. She had fabulous outfits and influenced what we wore. I can remember that suddenly everyone was wearing the low heeled pumps because of her. My feet loved her for that. And she had the most adorable hats, elegant and fun. What a shame she died so tragically. My sister Charlotte really admired Diana and the day she died Charlotte and I spent the day together in total shock. We sat together and watched the TV and would sometimes just sit silently and hold hands and cry. It was hard to believe that someone so glamorous, famous and PROTECTED could die in a car accident.

Wow, I hadn’t meant to get all weepy over fashion. See what a simple hat story can bring one down to? I think it is time for my breakfast!

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