Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Hoping and Wishing

The Marilyn Denis show is having a 10 Day Christmas Contest with each day having tons of prizes to be won. It is time consuming to enter the contests each day (you can enter once for each of the prizes at least that seems to be what I am able to do so I sure hope I am not accidentally eliminating myself by entering once daily on each of the prizes!)  The point is that one should always try to do more than just hope and wish; if you want something you actually have to enter the contest, try out for the team, or whatever it is you are yearning for. No one is going to come riding up on a white stallion, sadly. 
Yesterday Mom and I watched “Freedom Writers” which she had never seen and it has been years since I watched it. Mom was getting mad at how terrible the teenagers were behaving and was saying “I would throw them out of the class” and I kept patting her hand and saying “just keep watching, you will see something special” and in the end she was impressed. She has always told us how influential her own teacher had been in her life (she had the same teacher from grade one through eight) and as far as we know this woman walked on water for my mom. The biggest lesson my mother says she got from her was “if you know your math you can think”.
I liked how Erin learned along with the teens and her incredible stamina in never giving up on any of them. But she also insisted that they not give up on themselves. Accepting status quo was not acceptable to her and she taught them to think likewise. I just think she was remarkable with these children. There should be more teachers, mentors and parents like that.
Caring, not just wishing or hoping.


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